Bereavement Doula Services

My Story: My first and only son, Noah, passed while still in my womb in 2013. Walking that path was the hardest thing I have ever faced. My grief for my son is still a part of me, in good ways and in not so good ways. But my greatest teachings in life, to this day, I learn through Noah. I am constantly amazed at the experiences, journeys, and connections I have made in life because of him. It is because of him that I stepped into doula work in 2019. And when I walk with families through their impossible seasons I feel closer to Noah, Closer to God, and more at peace. I don’t have any photos of Noah, but on the way to the hospital to have a D&C to help complete my miscarriage we saw this winged elephant shaped cloud. Elephants were our nursery theme for Noah. Elephants have perfectly encapsulated my relationship with my son. He helps me not forget the blessings of life, He has brought me joy beyond measure, and I have soared higher than I ever thought I could. 

A death at any stage of life is a growing and grieving process for the family left behind. A bereavement doula walks alongside a family as they process and adjust through the grieving and laying to rest process. 

Is a Bereavement Doula Right for Me?

Every grief journey is different. And every Bereavement doula’s services are different. Some may want or need a Bereavement to help guide their journey for weeks beyond the loss. Some might need one phone call or text conversation. As a Bereavement doula I try to support in any way that I can to the level and depth that each family needs. I lost my own first child. He was born through miscarriage in 2013. And since then I have had the opportunity to help many families process their loss. 

How can I afford a Bereavement Doula?

I do not charge for my Bereavement doula services. I navigate with each family how I can serve them. I trust that God will work out all the details. I do give each family the opportunity to donate into the Legacy Fund so that it can help me serve the next family. This fund covers gas, food, and other expenses. It does not go to pay for time or wear and tear on anything I bring with me to serve them. 

What does a Bereavement Doula Do?

A Bereavement Doula’s service will look different for each family. It can be a phone call, text conversation. or video call. It can be helping physically, emotionally, informationally, and advocating during a miscarriage, stillbirth, or death. It can be attending to the family during a funeral or memorial service. It can even be as simple as helping the family locate resources. Talking with a Bereavement doula and finding out how you and/or your family needs to be supported can help.

Bereavement Resources offered by Voices of Eve

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