This initiative is focused on the Turkana people of Kenya, Africa for now but as it grows will reach other people groups as well! Just like Esther was called to a time and place to use her voice, culture, and knowledge to save her people, this project is to help empower wise women to have the knowledge they need to empower and educate themselves and others on how to take care of their bodies and their children.
This guide will be filled with information about female and infant bodies, natural remedies specific to the local resources available, and tips for recognizing different health needs. This guide will not serve as a replacement to medical care but a way to strengthen the people’s ability to heal naturally and live healthily.
This project needs funding! There will be a lot of hours, research, materials, and connecting with other birth workers to bring this project to life. If you would like to have a direct impact on women’s health across the world please consider donating to my ministry.
This project is named from one of God’s bravest servants because it was information alone that saved the Israelites from destruction. And so that is the hope of this project, that the education and information contained within can help empower families around the world!
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
– Esther 4:14
Thank you for all that you do and for your continued prayers and support! I pray for all of you that God bless and keep you and your family!
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