My name is Abbey Barnosky. I founded and run a ministry called Voices of Eve. As a doula, educator, and activist my passion is to help families embrace an abundant life in Christ. I give these families my time, my hands, my knowledge, my passion, and my heart. I believe in my work and I believe in its ability to make a difference. I also believe in the people that I serve. I believe that through their unique journeys they can come out stronger and closer to each other, and to God than ever before. Building strong families, to build strong communities, to build the kingdom of God.
Voices of Eve was born out of a love of the birth process and a desire to help those in need. I was called to Birth work when I was 13 while I was a missionary kid in Kenya.
I remember hearing of women and babies dying in childbirth or soon after because of a simple lack of information. It filled me with a passion to help. I remember one family specifically, their names were Fatima and Oredo. Their first child was due soon when they were warned by an elder in their family that Fatima was growing too big and the baby was growing too big to be born. Out of fear of harming her child she stopped eating for 3 days. Her baby died in the womb on the third day, the day her water broke and she did not know that as a sign of labor. Because in Fatima’s culture speaking about pregnancy and birth is considered bad luck. And when you don’t have access to accurate health information you will do anything that you believe will protect your children. She was a good mother who was given bad advice from a family member who loved her, and loved her baby.
I do not know if they chose a name for their son, but I think of him almost every day. I think of how his tragedy changed my life and spurred me forward to my ministry.
I did not know what that ministry would be until I became pregnant with my daughter in 2013. It wasn’t long after that I fell in love with the work of a doula.
In my work as a doula I have encountered many times how a small piece of information or the simple presence of someone who cares to be a turning point in a family’s life. In my work I have seen families turn to God, grow closer to God, and even have miraculous outcomes.
I connect most with the meaning of the original Greek word “Doula” which translates to, “woman who serves”. God has called me to serve and I pray that I will always answer!
Fatima and Oredo’s painful sacrifice will change the world. Their son’s life will change the world. And I get to be a part of it.
One of the changes that are currently being implemented in my ministry is that I will be creating more resources for families all over the world to help them have to relevant, accessible, and culturally appropriate health information.
To be continued….
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